
ERS Genomics

ERS is the world leader in licensing CRISPR/Cas9 technology for a wide variety of applications.
Our founder, Dr. Emmanuelle Charpentier (the ‘E’in ERS) won the Nobel Prize the discovery of CRISPR/Cas9 in 2020. 

Without question, CRISPR/Cas9 has transformed the field of gene editing. 
At ERS Genomics, our purpose is to extend global access to this technology and expand the boundaries of CRISPR potential.


BIO-Europe is the perfect time to start a conversation about your CRISPR license. We are excited to connect with companies who can benefit from this game-changing technology.
A meeting or a call with us is worthwhile for you if:

You are interested in possible use of CRISPR/Cas9 for internal research programs:
– Are you using modified cells or animals from an academic source?
– Are you generating in-house reagents?


You are interested in use of genetically modified cells in manufacturing. Including… 
– mAbs
– Gene or cell therapy
– Vectors
– Industrial enyzmes or intermediates


You provide any services which utilize CRISPR/Cas9 or cells or animals modified by the technology. Including…
– High-throughput screening 
– Target identification, Target validation
– Cell line development
– Disease specific cell models
– Animal models of disease


You have an interest in animal health applications. Including… 
Disease resistance, Vaccines Trait improvements

Let’s schedule a meeting in Basel

Schedule time with Dr. Ralph Vogelsang, Senior Director, Business Development & Licensing, ERS Genomics

‘Your journey with CRISPR begins with a license from ERS Genomics. I am delighted to be back at BIO 2023. If you would like to learn more about CRISPR/Cas9 and licensing, connect with me and let’s talk.’


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Read More Of Our Articles

Explore more news on CRISPR/Cas9 and how it can provide a leading edge in the highly competitive biotech sector.

ERS Genomics and Université de Montréal sign CRISPR/Cas9 license agreement

ERS Genomics and Université de Montréal sign CRISPR/Cas9 license agreement License agreement provides Université de Montréal access to CRISPR gene editing technology for use across its platform services   Dublin, Ireland, and Montreal, Canada, 01 October 2024: ERS Genomics Limited (‘ERS’), the CRISPR licensing Company, and Université de Montréal (‘UdeM’),.

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Prime Editing

CRISPR/Cas9 Prime Editing is a novel gene editing technique that utilizes a modified Cas9 protein to introduce mutations in the genome with a higher degree of safety and complexity. This technique represents an evolution in the CRISPR/Cas9 system that enables researchers to more safely create complex genetic changes than using.

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ERS Genomics and Medicines Discovery Catapult sign CRISPR/Cas9 license agreement

ERS Genomics and Medicines Discovery Catapult sign CRISPR/Cas9 license agreement Partnership provides Medicines Discovery Catapult access to CRISPR gene editing technology across a broad range of drug discovery applications   Dublin, Ireland, and Cheshire, UK, 04 September 2024: ERS Genomics Limited (‘ERS’), the CRISPR licensing Company, and Medicines Discovery Catapult.

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